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Science In Real Life

Fatima Elashry 

English 21003


          COVID-19 changed our lives and human being in many ways. Coronavirus made people more racist than they were before the pandemic. We are living in crisis where we should help each other out and stand together with one hand in order to get out of the pandemic with the least damage. In most countries the government and people did not agree with each other during the pandemic because the government is trying to safe the country with the least damage. ,Moreover, people think that the government is taking away their freedom therefore nothing will get better in most countries. Vietnamese was able to get back to their normal life. Vietnamese government responded to the Virus in the way they see right even if the people disagrees with them.


Discussion Post

          Since the Pandemic started and many things are changing in our lives because of the COVID-19.  At the beginning of the pandemic, the college was still open and we used to go to the school everyday. I used to see how COVID-19 made people more racist than they were. I used to go to school by train and one time there was this Chinese guy who just sneezed without covering his mouth and everyone kept staring at him as if he was the one who caused the COVID-19. So, since the pandemic started and the tension between the government, public and health professionals increased. Corona virus was something that the world did not prepare for therefore, the health professional did not know that the virus can spread that quickly.  At first the scientists were not aware of how the virus spread that quickly and what were the symptoms of it but by the increase of cases they were able to give people more information about the symptoms and how to prevent it. They were giving people guidelines for their benefit but these guidelines lead to tension between the public and health professionals.

          Those who tested positive were quarantined in military camps, hospitals and universities. People did not like the idea that the government is quartering people who tested positive for COVID-19 but Nguyen Linh studied the Vietnamese government response to the COVID-19 and in her opinion it is better to quarantine people who tested positive in military camps. I think it is a good idea for saving other people and to help the country but most people did not like the idea. The reason is because no one knows the solution for the virus and it was a surprise to many of us.

          The best way to decrease the cases of COVID-19 is to isolate yourself and follow social distancing. The lack of trust between the health professionals and the public was that they thought that the government is quartering the people in military camps because if they will die from the camps they want them to die without hurting the economy and affecting the people who are not affected by the virus. The Vietnamese government wanted to get out of the pandemic with the least losses. Vietnam was able to get back to their normal lives by following the rules of the government.